Hey everyone!
Welcome to my brand-new blog! It's all about the wild world of Web3, NFTs, crypto, and, yeah, some of those sketchy online schemes. This very post you're reading? Consider it a sneak peek into my brain and a taste of what's coming up.
So, why this blog?
Honestly? Not even sure myself. It's been ages since I last wrote anything, and I'm pretty sure I'm a bit rusty. And here I am, writing in English (thank God for translators). I'm here to spill the beans on my crypto and NFT adventures and how I'm trying to make a buck out of them.
Selling anything?
Nope, nada. I'm not here to sell you anything. I'm just like you, learning as I go. No financial wisdom to impart here, just me sharing my own rollercoaster ride. A lot of what I say is pieced together from news, tips, and guides I find online, mostly from others. Heads up, though – I might drop some referral links (gotta make something out of this blog, right?), and who knows, maybe I'll throw in a 'donate' button down the line, but that's a story for another day.
Copying my moves?
Wouldn't recommend it. Just to be clear, I'm not here to give advice. Been through my fair share of crypto crashes (and still counting). I've been dabbling in crypto since 2016, but it's been a bumpy ride. Haven't really kept track of whether I'm up or down overall.
Bottom line: starting from tomorrow, I'm gonna try and hit you up with daily updates (I hope...). Just short posts about what I've bought, what I'm up to – not all investments, sometimes just me messing around.
Wishing you all the best of luck and killer profits!
P.S. Oh, and I've got Twitter (X) (who doesn't these days?), so you can catch the latest there.