Day 5? No... Week 2

Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. It turns out that it takes quite a bit of time to make 2 posts every day in WordPress (just kidding, I knew that before). But I just can’t get my hands on cryptocurrency, so the idea of…

Crypto Day 4 - although it should be 7

Hi all, I missed a few days because of work and did almost nothing on NFT and Crypto. All because of freelance work 🙁 Back in rhythm. Briefly about the daily activities More precisely, about the activities that don’t take more than 2 minutes and which I’ve been doing…

Crypto Day 3 - minus a lot of $ ?..

Hello all. Another day went by… LaLiga Gonzales I think I bought the LaLiga pack yesterday for nothing. They are still not all sold out… If you’re interested, here’s a link (not even a referral). These are the guys I got. 3 Uncommon cards, couldn’t be worse.…

Crypto Day 2

Crypto Day 2 – things don’t go according to plan Hi all! I seem to remember saying yesterday that I will install Node today, but I will start it in an hour, so the instructions will be posted tomorrow at best I think. Aptos Yacht Club Well ok, bought it,…

Day 1

Crypto Day #1 Hi all. Just a quick recap of my activities today.   Trying to buy the NFT APTOS YACHT CLUB This is not a tip, not a recommendation (I rather the opposite of advising you not to buy them), but I will give it a try nonetheless. Five pieces…